Blum on Bridge
Last week I began my article naming the one
word that I believe separates the expert from the above-average or good
bridge player. The word, "focus", reminded me of an article I wrote
a the month of June, I thought it so important that I would repeat it for the
many "snowbirds" who are unable to read my column during those
summer months. The question most frequently asked of me
during the early stage of my classes is: "How can you remember all of
the cards played in each hand?" My answer: "I can't, but..."
and the "but" is what today's column is about. It is said that everything we see or hear is
retained, but the problem occurs when we try to recall what we've retained.
These are the two bases that comprise memory. In his book on memory, Ron
Klinger states: "Memory or remembering is concerned with the aspect of
desired information, not that such information has not been retained." An example. For years most of us have taken
the same route to work. We pass the same houses every day. I challenge any
one of you to recall the color of the brick or wood or even whether or not
the houses in the second block of travel are brick, wood or possibly stucco. What has happened is called a
"Scotoma." The importance of what has been retained is minimized,
which makes it more difficult to recall. So although we look at it, we don't
really see it. Thus, our first lesson must be to recognize what is and what is
not of consequence. I teach that one must remember a hand for
only between five and seven minutes. After the game, if someone wants to
discuss it and you become upset because you can't recall it, don't fret. The
hand's over and there's nothing that can be done about it anyway. Now let's talk about that five to seven
minutes. A typical bidding sequence has gone 1 diamond by you, 1 spade by
'pard', 1NT by you, and 3NT by pard. You're declarer and LHO makes the
opening lead of the heart 4. Stop! Recall the bidding. Neither opponent has
bid; so assume neither has 12 points. The opening lead is probably fourth
best. Could LHO have a As to which cards are to be remembered, if
the opening lead is below a 10 say to yourself, "spot card opening
lead." If the opening is a 10 or above say to yourself the denomination.
Assume the queen is the opener. Say "queen" and strangely enough
you will also remember that the opener probably has the jack. By the same
token if that opening lead was a spot card and you repeat it to yourself -
"spot card" - later in the hand you can recall it and possibly I want to stress one other point: Memory
improves with age. Increasing age brings on physiological handicaps, but with
rare exceptions you will retain your mental capacity. This is the great
advantage bridge has over other competitive sports. I'm over 70 and most of
what I write comes from remembering what I have seen and heard in the bridge
world. You laugh - George Burns was winning money at his club playing bridge
at 100 years old. Paraphrasing Klinger, the mistaken beliefs
that you can't teach an old dog new tricks - or, as Charlie Brown states:
"How can I learn the new math with an old math mind?" - is refuted
by modern research. No matter at what age the brain is stimulated it will
physically grow more protuberances on each brain cell's tentacles, and that
these protuberances will increase the total number of connections within the
human brain. A duplicate player tip: Always ask the
director for a private score after the game. Good reasons include that no one
is infallible, including our area's fine directors, so you should check for
any errors in the scoring. Some years ago in Orlando, my 'pard' and I won two
consecutive Regional events. In both events Glen Lublin, an experienced
professional, checked the scoring and found an error in each that placed him
first in both. "Alas poor Yorick." Secondly, with |